Tuesday 30 November 2010

Letters from a frustrated dieter

Gretel Hallet, came on our Chocolate Fairy Training last year and is running workshops in East Anglia.  If you live in the area and would like to attend a Beyond Chocolate course, Gretel would love to hear from you!  Meet Gretel.

Dear Chocolate Fairy,

How do you survive your Christmas party? Do you start well in advance of December, maybe in late October, early November because September is such a busy month, what with having to get the kids back to school … and by the time you remember that the dreaded party dress season is looming, it’s almost upon you. Do you dig out that gym membership you took out way back in January, and which lasted, oh, about 3 weeks? Tell me what do you do?
Love from a Frustrated Dieter

Dear Frustrated Dieter,
Um, no, actually, I don’t do any of the above. I haven’t dieted now for 3 years at any time of year. I move my body in ways that I enjoy rather than forcing myself to go to the gym, all year round. Try again.
Love from a Chocolate Fairy

Dear Chocolate Fairy,
Ok, do you dread the ‘tiny black dress and party temptation’ season, with all those works dos and social gatherings, where the alcohol is flowing? Do you lose control around buffets and wolf down all those tempting snacks?
Love from a Frustrated Dieter

Dear Frustrated Dieter,
No, I don’t do any of that either. I don’t own a tiny black dress because I’m not a tiny person. I own a cocktail dress that fits and flatters me just as I am and that I feel good in. I make choices at buffets depending on whether I am hungry or not and what it is I am hungry for. Sometimes I eat when I’m not hungry if the food is particularly tempting, but I do so consciously; I’m not ‘out of control’ and I enjoy what I eat. Hope this helps
Love from a Chocolate Fairy

Dear Chocolate Fairy,
Do you think I should just give up on dieting over Christmas and New Year and go on a really strict diet come January? I could rejoin the gym and I’m sure I’d get a discount on my membership for renewing.
Love from a Frustrated Dieter

Dear Frustrated Dieter,
I can’t tell you what you ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ do; that’s up to you. But personally, I don’t live in a ‘boom and bust’ way any more with my eating. Christmas does bring different and delicious foods, but I welcome them and enjoy them. As for the gym membership; if you enjoy going to the gym, why not renew? If not, why not look for a different way of moving your body that you’ll enjoy?
Love from a Chocolate Fairy

Dear Chocolate Fairy,
I know what you do! You Plan Ahead and make sure that you balance out what you eat at parties by eating less in between at home. Am I right? Or, do you eat before you go out so you’re not hungry and won’t nibble? Or do you take your own low fat food to every event so you’ll be sure you can eat something and not break the diet?
Help, please! I want to get it right this year.
Love from a Frustrated Dieter

Dear Frustrated Dieter,
No, I don’t do any of that either. Listen, why don’t you sign up for one of my courses, coming soon to a venue near you, and I’ll explain everything ….
Love from your Chocolate Fairy

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderfully creative post, Gretel!


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