Thursday 17 February 2011

The Chocolate Fairies take over the dieting industry!

I’ve just come off the phone. One of the two weekly Beyond Chocolate phone-ins has just finished and it was great, again. Every time I listen to the participants who phone to check in and talk about how it’s going for them on the Beyond Chocolate Ecourse (How to stop yoyo dieting and lose weight) or the Overeating Ecourse, I feel incredibly grateful and hugely inspired. Being willing to look at this stuff is not always easy. Going on a diet seems so one dimensional, so superficial somehow, compared with the delicate, sometimes scary, always complex work that is required of us to change behaviours and ingrained habits of a lifetime.

Every Thursday night, at the end of the call, I have the same thought: "I am so lucky to do the job I do". Even though it's late and I've usually been working all day and all evening, I feel invigorated, excited and alive. Being a Chocolate Fairy rocks my boat! I have been a Chocolate Fairy for 10 years. Ever since I printed my very first Beyond Chocolate business cards and wondered what on earth to put as a job title. I wasn’t a therapist in those days and anyway, that’s not what qualifies me to do this work. Being a Chocolate Fairy is the most immense privilege because not only do I get to work with hundreds (actually thousands by now) of incredible women but I also get to work on my own relationship with food, day in day out. I love my job because I get to keep growing and learning and changing...

Ever since the day we started Beyond Chocolate, Audrey and I have had an unshakable vision: hundreds of Fairies in every corner of the UK offering a place for women to go for genuine support and connection. A place where women can talk about food and weight and their struggles and celebrations. A place where they will be respected, encouraged and inspired (and not weighed!). We’re not nearly there yet… but we won’t give up.

Can you imagine being a Chocolate Fairy? Can you imagine providing that place, in your area? Not because you are a trained expert but because you are an ordinary woman who has struggled with her own relationship with food and you are passionate about working on it yourself as well as enabling other women to do the same? Wouldn’t it be amazing if Beyond Chocolate could offer an alternative to the traditional slimming clubs? Something has to change because so far the diets have compounded the overeating and overweight problem rather than solving it. Women have so often ended up feeling worse about themselves and their bodies rather than better. It's time for something different, something positive and effective and fun. And you can be a part of it. By becoming a Chocolate Fairy you can make a difference - to your own life and to the life of hundreds of women like you.

I am off to bed now… to dream about a world where the Chocolate Fairies take over the dieting industry!

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