Thursday 29 July 2010

Baby steps

After the weekend, after the bank holiday, after the summer...

Are you promising yourself that sometime in the not so distant future, you are going to finally get a grip and start 'properly'...and finding that in the meantime you are doing quite the opposite (because soon you'll be being VERY good so what the heck)? Whether 'properly' is having a healthy diet, shedding some pounds  or really 'doing' Beyond Chocolate, I've got some exciting news for you. 

You don't have to wait. You don't have to put your fantasy of a healthier, slimmer, happier you aside and pig out in the meantime. 

You can start now. 

You can start by taking one tiny baby step, one action. And tomorrow you can take another one. Slowly, slowly, step by step until you are striding along confidently.

I received a lovely email from the Universe this morning which says it beautifully: 

Please tell anyone who wants to know, Audrey, that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or a gigantic misunderstanding.

Because when people get clear and realize just how powerful they truly are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday.


The Universe

Take one small action today. What will it be?

Pssst! We've launched the Beyond Chocolate Food & Feelings Toolkit: A guide to managing feelings without food. Lots of baby steps in there. Have a look at our special launch offer...

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