Wednesday 26 May 2010

Moving in unusual ways...

'Exercise' is a dirty word. It's a close cousin of 'dieting' and tends to produce the same side effects: you start off vowing to do it properly, swear this time will be different, buy the gear, pay for membership and then end up feeling like a failure because you can't keep it up.

That's why the Beyond Chocolate principle is called 'Move!' instead.

When movement has its rightful place in our lives, when we do it regularly and enjoy it, when we use our body with energy and delight we will be burning fat, too. It’s a consequence, not the goal. The minute we focus on it as a means to weight loss alone, we will find ways to sabotage ourselves just like we sabotaged the diets.

If your gym bag is gathering dust in the corner you want some inspiration on ways to move your body take a look at 5 refreshing ways in which some Beyond Chocolaters have  moved their bodies over the years...

Do something different and move today...

1. Dancing
Belly Dancing (hugely popular with Beyond Chocolaters) Tap dancing, Burlesque, Ballet, Swing dance, Afro, 5 Rhythms, Line dancing, name it, they've danced it! Find a Belly Dancing class near you

2. Kettle Bells
Not to be confused with Kettle Chips. Thank you to Chocolate Fairy Gretel, who runs workshops in Norwich for helping to be clear about the difference: "kettle bell differs from a kettle chip in a number of fundamental ways. A kettle bell is a large round lump of iron with a handle on top - looks rather like an old fashioned kettle without the spout, and it weighs between 6lbs and 32lbs, depending on how macho the owner is.  It's used as a form of resistance training and is extremely effective - exercises tend to be along similar lines to hand-weights or dumbells.  I don't think it's physically possible to eat a kettle bell, but I would never say never as there are some very strange people out there....A kettle chip, on the other hand, is a small slice of potato that has been fried and then had salt and/or flavours added to it.  Regardless of how much you swing it about, it will never act as an effective tool for resistance training and is actually best swung from packet to mouth and crunched."

3. Roller Derby 
A full-contact sport on roller skates. What the Beyond Chocolater says about it: "very friendly and a real mix of shapes, sizes, ages, life-styles and abilities and no-one is judged on any of those things - you're just expected to come along, try your best and have fun." Find out more...

4. MoonWalking
Nothing to do with (the late) Michael Jackson or another planet. This is about walking a marathon, or half marathon by the light of the moon wearing decorated bras to raise awareness for breast cancer. Good for you, good for charity, good outing for the bra. Find out mor...

5. Circus Arts
Trapezing, juggling, clowning and stilt walking - what a great way to move and learn a new skill. Find out more...


  1. These are all GREAT ideas. I'd like to suggest two more: Yoga, which I've just discovered (at the advanced age of 63, but hey -- it's never too late), which is wonderful if you have a spiritual nature. It's gentle and nurturing, and the first "exercise" (for want of a better word) I've ever done that doesn't feel like I'm punishing my body.
    AND... as my husband is a fencing coach, I'd like to put in a word for fencing. There are clubs everywhere, all over the country, and beginners are always welcome. Find your inner swashbuckler!

  2. Sharon Plessier27 May 2010 at 12:12

    Archery! Excersize your inner Maid Marion.

  3. Belly Dancing has taken up my 06.00 am to 07.00 am slot in the morning (rather than bed) and I actually jump out of bed and don't even press the snooze button. It's fun, challenging, makes me glow (remember horses sweat, men perspire and ladies glow) and it makes me feel like a woman. Have given Bollywood dancing a shot too and will be alternating this with belly-dancing shortly.


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